About us

Famille Mottier-Gerber

Votre Cercle de Vie (Your Circle of Life) is first and foremost the story of a farmer family from the Pays-d'Enhaut who is convinced that a viable future starts by anchoring human beings to their land and that agriculture constitutes the umbilical cord between all living beings and nature.

Nicolas Mottier comes from the fifth generation of a farmer family from the Pays-d'Enhaut. Farmer and co-founder of Votre Cercle de Vie, the father of the family cultivates the passion of his profession with a developed sense of contact and pedagogical fibre.

With his good nature, calm of mind and humor, Nicolas ensures the smooth running of the farm and all its related activities.

Esther Mottier, daughter of a farmer family, grew up in the Simmental valley before settling in Château-d'Œx. Trained as a naturopath, manager of a wholefood shop and a bed & breakfast, she is interested in nature and health. Full of energy and generosity, the mother of the family, who is at the same time operator and co-founder of Votre Cercle de Vie, ensures that everyone on the farm feels at ease.

They are parents of three children, Laurent (2008), Alissia (2012), and Sayan (2022). Immersed in the values and traditions of a life connected to living beings, they have had the desire, since the birth of their first child, to seek systemic solutions to address the crises of our society. Through this project, they aim to initiate significant changes and promote the development of a new society, both for the present and for future generations.

Famille Mottier-Gerber 2023 portrait


Everything in life is a cycle and as human beings, we are connected to many cycles. For example, the rhythm of day and night, the alternating seasons, the sun, the moon, and the earth as well as life from birth to death – they all describe circles. If we live in symbiosis with these natural cycles, our life will gain meaning and strength.

The name "Votre Cercle de Vie" (Your Circle of Life) refers to the holistic approach of our company. We wish to instil a culture of encounter, care, consideration and the common good, in order to contribute to sustainable development and the deployment of everyone's potential in the different cycles of life.



Esther and Nicolas' wedding


Takeover of the family farm of Le Perrex and the mountain pasture of Pâquier-Mottier which was held by Nicolas's parents until then.


Bio Suisse farm label


Purchase of the family estate


The organic store is relocated to a larger surface area and got fitted out thanks to a crowdfunding scheme subscribed to by the inhabitants of Pays-d'Enhaut.
Awarding of the 1st Bio star prize for the farm shop.
Opening of the Espace Durable and temporary exhibitions at the art gallery.


Esther and Nicolas meet each other


The couple decides to take care of a small agricultural estate, renting the neighbouring farm Les Preises.


The activities extend to the following areas:
organic store; naturopathic surgery and Feng Shui consultations


Leasing and management of Uncle Wiliam Daenzer's farm adjacent to Le Perrex


Biodynamic certification of the farm by Demeter


The architectural plans for the Bovino and Planto buildings are taking shape.
Start of the conference and workshop cycles.


Esther and Nicolas meet each other


Esther and Nicolas' wedding


The couple decides to take care of a small agricultural estate, renting the neighbouring farm Les Preises.


Takeover of the family farm of Le Perrex and the mountain pasture of Pâquier-Mottier which was held by Nicolas's parents until then.


The activities extend to the following areas:
organic store; naturopathic surgery and Feng Shui consultations


Bio Suisse farm label


Leasing and management of Uncle Wiliam Daenzer's farm adjacent to Le Perrex


Purchase of the family estate


Biodynamic certification of the farm by Demeter


The organic store is relocated to a larger surface area and got fitted out thanks to a crowdfunding scheme subscribed to by the inhabitants of Pays-d'Enhaut.
Awarding of the 1st Bio star prize for the farm shop.
Opening of the Espace Durable and temporary exhibitions at the art gallery.


The architectural plans for the Bovino and Planto buildings are taking shape.
Start of the conference and workshop cycles.


Thanks to an autonomous and highly motivated team which shares common values and a culture of meeting people, it is possible to respond to such a wide range of offers. The following points are very important for a successful collaboration:

  • Cultivating human encounters, understanding that neither of the actors in the encounter should treat the other as the object of their expectations and value judgments.

  • Developing individual and group potential (through teamwork as well as internal and external training)

  • Working with enthusiasm and in the spirit of cooperation

  • Being curious

  • Taking responsibility, thinking and acting in a holistic and sustainable way

  • Caring, trusting, being honest, genuine, compassionate, and tolerant

  • Being open to exchanges, feedback from others, and self-reflection

  • Being creative and able to think beyond the existing framework

  • Being flexible and giving a hand to colleagues in order to cope with difficulties

  • Practicing a culture of needs rather than a culture of consumption

Esther Mottier-Gerber

Esther Mottier-Gerber

Founder / Director

Nicolas Mottier

Nicolas Mottier

Founder / Director

Irène Gerber

Irène Gerber


Gwenaëlle Jacot

Gwenaëlle Jacot

Seller Organic Shop - Château-d'Œx

Alexandra Pasquier

Alexandra Pasquier

Espace Durable Manager

Sonja Gerber

Sonja Gerber


Cristina Lanzos

Cristina Lanzos

Project Draftswoman

Daniela Gerber

Daniela Gerber

Architect / Support

Eliane Lehmann

Eliane Lehmann


Coco Tache

Coco Tache

Marketing & Communication

Marie Schaffhauser

Marie Schaffhauser


Linn Jousson

Linn Jousson


Laurence Marmillod

Laurence Marmillod

Parvine Bähler

Parvine Bähler


If you would like to work with us...

Whether you are a farm manager, a permaculture enthusiast or a fanatic of rare breeds or if you want to contribute to sustainable development - we are looking for you!

You will find the current job offers at Votre Cercle de Vie.


For the moment there are no open positions but we advise you to visit our site on a regular basis.


Volunteers at the Espace Durable

The Espace Durable is run by volunteers.

If you are passionate about second hand and second-hand objects, you can become part of our team of volunteers. The time slots are either for half a day or a whole day.

The tasks:

  • welcome customers

  • give them information about the mission of the Espace Durable and the current exhibition

  • receive and sort the material brought in

  • cleaning, labelling and arranging items for sale

  • leaning and tidying the sales areas.

Esther expliquant le projet de construction à un visiteur de l'espace durable


Volunteers on the farm

Woofers are welcome on the farm: woofing is a concept of voluntary participation in organic farming activities in exchange for food and accommodation.

Date: April to end of October

Location: farm, Alp, bio-ecological garden

If you are interested in one of the volunteer projects, please contact us.

Contact us here!

photo d'équipe de tous les bénévoles - Brunch 1er Août 2019