raised on the high plateaus of the Swiss Alps

Depending on the season, between 30 and 40 purebred horned Simmental cows live on the farm as well as 20 heifers and 10 to 20 calves of the same breed.

The pure Simmental breed was chosen because it is affectionate, peaceful, and confident. Intelligent cows that know exactly what they want.

As its name suggests this old breed comes from the Swiss Simmental valley. Unfortunately, it can now be found in certain regions only, which is why it is once again on the Pro Specie Rara list.

The pure Simmental cow is a dual-purpose breed: on average, the milk production is lower than that of high-yielding dairy cows, however, the meat is of excellent quality.

Due to its robustness it is particularly well suited for alpine pasture and organic farming.

Nos vaches Pure Simmental à l'alpage

Nicolas Mottier

Observe the cows composing their bouquet while grazing, they are busy turning it into white gold.