Workshop with the residents of EMS L'Ours

On January 24th, a particularly special workshop took place on our farm. We had the privilege of welcoming a group of residents from EMS L'Ours, a moment of sharing and enriching creativity for everyone. Together, we organized a unique painting workshop where each participant was able to express their artistic talent.

The objective of this workshop was twofold: on one hand, to encourage the artistic expression of the residents, and on the other hand, to contribute to sustainable initiatives in our beautiful region of Pays-d'Enhaut. To do this, we provided wooden hot air balloons as a backdrop so that our guests could unleash their imagination. These hot air balloons will later serve as advertising panels to promote activities and events focused on sustainable development.

Surrounded by our cows, our participants found inspiration in the heart of nature itself. This immersive experience allowed everyone to connect with their environment and explore their creativity in a unique setting.

We are deeply grateful to have been able to share this afternoon with the residents of EMS L'Ours. We look forward to continuing this collaboration and creating moments of sharing and growth together.